Book Review: Keep Me Posted

Keep Me Posted by Lisa Beazley
Text Publishing, £10.99
Reviewed by Karen Byrom
Charmed by their grandparents’ old love letters and fed up of emails and Facebook, two sisters agree to correspond the old-fashioned way. But while Sid in Singapore shuns all technology, Cassie in New York can’t resist scanning and keeping a private blog of her letters and her sister’s replies.
As close as sisters can be, Cassie and Sid share everything, from the state of their marriages to their thoughts on their friends and in-laws, to their exasperation with their kids and their dreams of living next door to each other in houses shared by a circular drive.
It’s all meant to be private, so when Cassie’s blog is hacked and their letters go viral, she knows she is in deep trouble. What will Sid say when she discovers the world knows her business? Will Cassie have any friends left? Worse, will she even still be married when husband Leo discovers that his wife and mother of their toddler twins has been sharing kisses with her ex-boyfriend!
Lisa Beasley’s narrative is sharp, incisive, witty and fun, giving an insight into the struggles that all women face on a daily basis as they juggle husbands, kids and careers while trying not to let slip all the dreams they once held so dear.
I laughed, cringed and rooted for Cassie all the way through this sweet, funny story. A great one to pack for a light but enchanting holiday read!
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