Victoria Sponge with William’s British Raspberry Conserve

Credit: William’s Conserve, £2.80, available in Sainbury’s, Asda and Ocado
Why not enjoy an afternoon tea with a classic Victoria Sponge?
Serves: 8-10
Preparation time: 35min plus cooling time
Cooking time: 25min
- Preheat the oven to 180°C, Fan Oven 160°C, Gas Mark 4. Grease then line the base and sides of 2 x 20cm round sandwich tins with non-stick baking parchment.
- In a large bowl, sift the flour and baking powder, add the eggs, sugar and butter.
- Use electric beaters to whisk the ingredients together for 1min to form a smooth mixture. Fold in the orange zest and 3tbsp orange juice, then divide evenly between the two prepared cake tins and level with a spatula. Bake in the centre of the oven for 20-25min until golden and the cakes are beginning to come away from the edge of the tins. When you touch the top of the cake it should be springy.
- Allow to cool in the tins for 5min, then gently remove and leave to cool completely.
- Whip the cream, and orange liqueur, if using, until it forms soft peaks, fold in 4tbsp of William’s British Raspberry Conserve. Sandwich the cakes together with the remaining Conserve and cream. Dust with icing sugar and decorate with fresh raspberries and orange zest.