Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant Feb 4-10

Russell Grant reveals his starry secrets for the week ahead!
Aries (Mar21/Apr20)
Your lively personality brings new friends into your life. At home, your views will be requested on a child’s future.
Astro Tip: Surround yourself with people who uplift you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21)
A housemate will not share your opinions. Keep voicing your thoughts as it’s important for you to be heard.
Astro Tip: Stay consistent with healthy habits.
Gemini (May22/June21)
You want to confront a friend over a misunderstanding but be careful. It could signal the beginning of the end for this relationship.
Astro Tip: Stay consistent.
Cancer (June22/July23)
It hurts when someone close starts ignoring you. You sense a disconnect with your partner or a close friend.
Astro Tip: Recognise when it’s time to let go.
Leo (July24/Aug23)
There’s a difference between how you see yourself and how you want others to see you. Accept who you are.
Astro Tip: Practise good financial management.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)
Some light exercise and restful nights are just what you need to stay fit and maintain your energy levels.
Astro Tip: Take time to enjoy nature’s beauty.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23)
You have a wealth of artistic abilities. Although you love to make other people happy, let someone else take the lead.
Astro Tip: Take small steps to avoid procrastination.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)
You may be juggling extra responsibilities at home. Before rushing into decisions, reassess everything.
Astro Tip: Be resilient in the face of adversity.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)
Old worries regarding money, safety and pursuing dreams resurface. Focus on what you truly want.
Astro Tip: Surround yourself with beauty and positivity.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)
Your workload is increasing. While you’re doing your best to keep on top of it, you may wonder whether it is worth it.
Astro Tip: Be grateful for what you have.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)
If things take a turn for the worse, narrow down the options and you’ll uncover the root of your issues.
Astro Tip: Take a risk and step out of your comfort zone.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)
Explore hobbies that let you escape responsibility for a while, to boost your creativity and help you deal with life.
Astro Tip: Be mindful and present in the moment.
Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.