5 Nutritious Superfoods You Can Add To Your Winter Dishes

Chia seeds, lentils and spirulina are three of the five superfoods which can easily be hidden in traditional winter dishes.
The team from Blackwolf Workout have revealed ingredients which can be added to the majority of meals to offer great nutritional value, without impairing on taste. Lentils are well suited to soups, stews and broths and boast high amounts of protein, iron and fibre.
The algae Spirulina can be added to cereals, smoothies and soups to help promote positive gut health.
A spokesperson for Blackwolf Workout said: “It’s always important to ensure you’re eating enough vitamins and minerals, but it’s even more important during winter. The majority of these superfoods don’t have an overpowering flavour so won’t adjust the taste of the meals you cook, but will help bulk them up with super healthy nutrients. Some of these ingredients may be turned down by fussy eaters in your family, but luckily once stirred into dishes, they are hardly noticeable.”
1 Lentils
Lentils can be added to soups, stews and broths, making them a great staple ingredient for this time of year. There are many different types of lentils, meaning they can easily be hidden from nervous eaters. They are made up of over 25% protein and are rich in iron and fibre, making them a great all-round addition to your diet.
2 Spirulina
This is a dark green algae which is often found in powder form. It has a high amount of protein per gram and can be used to improve gut health as well as helping to manage diabetes. It can be added to smoothies or fruit juices. Sprinkling spirulina on salads and soups will help boost the nutritional contents of the meals.
3 Chia Seeds
Commonly found on porridge, yoghurt and rice dishes, chia seeds can help add texture to smooth dishes. They can also be used to help thicken sauces whilst helping reduce blood sugar levels at the same time. Chia seeds also offer more calcium per gram than many dairy products, making them a great alternative for those who are lactose intolerant.
4 Kidney Beans
Similar to lentils, kidney beans are well suited to broths and stews, as well as dishes such as Chilli con Carne. It’s important to ensure kidney beans are cooked thoroughly before eating due to their potential to be toxic (the canned ones are fine). They are rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, copper and potassium as well as also being packed full of protein.
5 Hemp Seeds
Treat hemp seeds the same way you would chia seeds. Add them to dishes to add crunch, but also sprinkle over heartier dishes. They can be eaten raw, or can be cooked or roasted. Often associated with marijuana, hemp seeds come from a different plant than the hallucinogen, but they are in the same family. They are mainly made up of good fats and protein and are a great source of vitamin E.