Terrariums: Make a Mini Garden in a Jar

Shutterstock / Konstantins Pobil © Two planted terrariums Pic: Shutterstock

The trend for having lovely greenery and succulents in your home is not going away, so why not combine this with another hot trend – terrariums. The team at GardenBuildingsDirect.co.uk are on hand to show us how to make our own, step-by-step…

A spokesperson for GardenBuildingsDirect.co.uk said, “Terrariums are a brilliant gateway for those who are looking to get into gardening but may be time poor and worried about high maintenance plants. We’ve helped to narrow down the decision-making process by giving some simple steps and advice to building the perfect terrarium.”

Pick a container

Any glass vessel will do to start with. This can be a jam jar, mason jar, or any other open glass container you may have. The bigger the better. Making sure the terrarium is made from glass and is open in some capacity, will not only elevate its look but will also allow greater airflow.

Drainage layers

Arguably the most important step in building your beautiful terrarium is adding appropriate drainage. Creating these layers is vital because your container won’t have drainage holes and this will also help to prevent root rot.

For this, use a loose stone on the bottom of your vessel and then add a thin layer of activated charcoal on top of this. The charcoal acts as a toxin remover and will remove any chemicals within the soil, subsequently removing any bad smells with it too.

Moss and pot

Planting a terrarium

The next layer of the terrarium will be the planting layer which is best when a combination of moss and potting soil is used. This will also start to create a satisfying appearance to the terrarium giving a layered effect.


Selecting plants for a terrarium Pic: Shutterstock

Pic: Shutterstock

Once the terrarium is neatly layered it is then time to pick your favourite plants to fill the space. Miniature plants and foliage plants work best in a terrarium, or any other plants that grow slowly. Use a small spoon or pencil to place the plants into the soil


As well as using plants, you can also use favourite figurines to add personality to your microclimates. Shells, pebbles, toys, and ornaments can help give a personal touch.


Terrariums are generally low maintenance however there are a few things to bear in mind. If your terrarium is partially or fully closed be mindful not to overwater as these types of terrarium tend to retain water well. Also, when using a glass vessel it’s important to not use a domestic glass cleaner inside the terrarium as this could potentially be poisonous to the life inside.