The Spell

Shutterstock / Plisman © Castle at Halloween Illustration: Shutterstock


All Millie had to do to solve her castle crisis was believe in a little magic…

Millie gazed up at the castle ruins and a shiver ran down her spine.Lantern glows shimmered in the windows like gothic ghosts. Screams and cackles pierced the darkness. And like magic bubbling up from a witch’s cauldron, an eerie mist rose from the ancient walls into a midnight sky.
Was it possible the ruins were casting a spell for Millie tonight?

In the distance, her boss, Tanya, was striding towards her with angry red eyes brandishing a glowing electronic tablet like fire. Even without a Halloween costume she was slightly terrifying.

“Millie, there’s a problem.” Tanya’s voice was as tight as the click-clack of her heels as she drew closer.

Millie swallowed. Tonight’s Halloween event had to run smoothly, or there was a strong possibility Millie would be overlooked for the Events Manager promotion she had worked so hard for.

Millie loved working in Events: capturing the medieval castle’s haunting myths, creating atmospheres, the theatre of it all. Her events were inspiring, showy, and bold. They were everything Millie wished she could be herself.

Her shyness had always been a curse. As a child she’d suffered from crippling stage fright during every school play or performance. The fear of looking foolish in front of a group still made her shrink away from the limelight.

She offered Tanya a professional smile. One that suggested any problem could be overcome. “What’s happened?”

Tanya sighed. “We no longer have our Maiden Cateline. The agency just called to apologise. The actresses playing her and another castle figure are both ill.”

Millie’s heartbeat quickened.

Tonight’s event theme was based on the story of Maiden Cateline. Millie had discovered it in the castle archives…

After the medieval knight was brutally killed in battle it was left to his daughter, Maiden Cateline, to protect their castle and people. Cateline had given up hope until she met an old woman in grey hooded cloak – feared by some as a witch, in the castle forest. In return for being left in peace within the castle forest forever more, the witch cast a spell gifting Cateline courage and good fortune.

That very autumn night, Maiden Cateline led her people to victory and peace was restored to the city.

Maiden Cateline and the other historic castle actors were to take to a stone platform re-enacting Cateline’s speech tonight as part of the event finale.

“I’ll get the agency to send another actress,” said Millie quickly.

Tanya shook her head, striding away.

There’s no one available this late. I need you to fix this, Millie. Visitors are expecting their Maiden Cateline.

As excited visitors floated past, dressed as ghosts and ghouls, vampires, witches, and skeletons, Millie’s mouth turned dry, panic rising in her throat.

Millie gazed round the castle outbuilding – a makeshift costume department. Jeans and jumpers, coats and bags had replaced the medieval costumes, the actors already roaming the ruins scaring and entertaining the visitors. Only one costume remained: Maiden Cateline. Millie knew the speech word for word; she’d overseen every rehearsal this week. But there was no way Millie could overcome her stage fright to play the castle’s heroine tonight.

“Would you like some help with the dress? It’s almost time for the finale.”

Millie spun round. An older actress stood in the doorway wearing the forest witch’s costume, a grey hooded cloak.

“I’m not an actress,” blurted Millie. “In fact, I’m terrified of being on stage.”

The old lady smiled. “We all feel like that sometimes. Here…”

She helped Millie into the dress: a black brocade corset wrapping around her torso like armour and a full silver skirt skimming the floor, its pleats shimmering like swords in the candlelight.
Millie found herself standing taller.

The old lady touched her hand.

Cateline found her courage, and you will too. Just believe in a little bit of magic.

Millie’s heart pounded as she descended the stage to cheers. She’d done it. She, Millie, had stood on stage, performed Maiden Cateline’s speech, and not even faltered once.

Tanya strode towards her, a rare smile lighting her face. “You saved the night, Millie, well done. The promotion to Events Manager is yours.” Millie’s chest swelled with pride. “I know you prefer to stay in the background, Millie, but you showed true team spirit and leadership tonight. I know getting up on stage can’t have been easy for you.”

Millie’s heart swelled with pride and she smiled. “I had a bit of help. The actress playing the Forest Witch said I would find my courage.”

Tanya looked puzzled. “Really? But she was the other actress who didn’t turn up, Millie. There was no Forest Witch here tonight.”

“So, then who…?”

Millie’s words faded as she glanced up towards the castle ruins where a ghostly mist swirled from its turrets rising into a mysteriously magic dark sky.

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Allison Hay

I joined the "My Weekly" team thirteen years ago and, more recently, "The People's Friend". I love the variety of topics we cover both online and in the magazines. I manage the digital content for the brands, sharing features and information on the website, social media and in our digital newsletters.