Your festive survival guide: 5 things to get you through it

Shutterstock / Ground Picture © family gathered for Christmas dinner

It seems at this time of year we are constantly clock-watching, as there are always important dates and deadlines looming in the countdown to Christmas. So, it is no wonder the stress of it all – not to mention the overindulgence – is taking its toll on our bodies and wellbeing.

Stressed about the festive season? Here are five survival tips to get you through the next few weeks:

1. Get a good night’s sleep

cute mature woman sleeping on bed;

Did you know that how we lie in bed at night can affect our quality of sleep? This is especially true if you have enjoyed an evening of eating and drinking over the festive period. Many of us have woken up in the middle of the night with that all-too-familiar burning sensation in our chest, called heartburn. But did you know that propping yourself up on more pillows to keep your head and chest higher than your stomach could be a quick-fix? If you do suffer heartburn or acid reflux regularly, you may could also try over-the-counter solutions like Pyrocalm Control.

2. Eat better – avoid sugary and fatty foods

Christmas simply would not be Christmas without chocolate, would it? However, by making clever choccy-choices does mean you can still enjoy it – and limit the ‘damage’. Did you know that chocolate can contribute to symptoms of heartburn? Eating fatty or spicy foods, especially before bedtime can also contribute to this common health complaint that affect one-in-four of the UK population. Find out more about heartburn and acid reflux.

3. Move more

Woman wearing leather boots with fur at winter. Walking outdoors in hoarfrost. Female legs with skinny jeans. ;

Head outside with the family for a long brisk walk.

Enjoying lazy days are part and parcel of the festive period. However, lack of exercise and inactivity over the holidays can have a negative impact on your health – and weight. Ways around this are to head outside with the family for a long brisk walk, particularly after eating, as it aids digestion. Walking or light exercise may reduce the onset of indigestion or heartburn. Getting out in the fresh air is a good mood-boosting activity too and can bring some escapism.

4. Meditate and live in the moment

At this time of year there is so much busy-ness going on in our minds. It is of course one of the most stressful times of year, so no wonder. However, in amongst all the stress, it is important to recalibrate and de-stress. Often we lose track of how we are actually feeling because we always too busy planning ahead and thinking of the next thing we have to do, but living in the moment by introducing meditation and mindfulness can help bring us back to the present day, and help us press the pause button on this festive merry-go-round.

 5. Take time for yourself

We have so many people to see and so little time to do it, which can spark anxiety. Spending time with family and friends, attending social events with friends and colleagues and saying ‘yes’ to things we wish we actually had said ‘no’ to, can catch up on you. Try not to plan back-to-back social commitments and instead schedule in some time to be on your own too. Whether it’s taking a bath, going on a long walk, doing some yoga, sitting doing nothing, reading or going a drive, being alone is good for you and your mind and body will thank you for it.


This article has been written in partnership with Pyrocalm. Pyrocalm Control can provide effective relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Pyrocalm is a temporary treatment of heartburn and should be used on a short-term basis to relieve the burning sensation. The recommended Pyrocalm dose is 20 mg once daily for up to 14 days. It might be necessary to take the tablets for 2-3 consecutive days to achieve improvement of symptoms. The majority of patients achieve complete relief of heartburn within seven days. Once complete relief of symptoms has occurred, treatment should be discontinued. If the problem persists, please consult your GP for further treatment and advice.

Essential Information: Pyrocalm Control® 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets. For the short-term treatment of reflux symptoms in adults. Contains 20 mg Omeprazole. Always read the label.