Our Ultimate Christmas Trivia Quiz!

Will you be a seasonal superstar or will you be clueless this Christmas? Test your festive knowledge with our brilliant quiz!
Gather your family and friends for a fun festive quiz – it’s a great way to bring all the age groups together! With sections on General Knowledge, Entertainment and Food & Drink, who will be crowned champion in your household?
The answers are at the bottom of the page, so don’t scroll down too far until you’re ready to check them!
25 Christmas Quiz Questions
General Knowledge
1. Which two of Santa’s reindeers share names with meteorological terms?
2. Name the fictional character created by Dr Seuss that stole Christmas?
3. How many different flavours are there in a standard tub of Quality Street?
4. Christmas Island, a territory of the Commonwealth of Australia, is located in which ocean?
5. Which country was the first to use the tradition of the Christmas tree?
6. On Boxing Day 1991, what was formally dissolved?
7. Which famous writer wrote the first ever King’s Christmas message? It was for George V in 1932.
8. According to UK tradition, Christmas decorations should come down on which date in January?
1. In the 1947 Christmas comedy-drama Miracle on 34th Street, which actress plays the little girl brought up not to believe in Santa Claus?
2. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure wrote the song Do They Know It’s Christmas? in which year?
3. Actor Rudolph Walker plays which character in the BBC soap opera EastEnders?
4. Actress Martine McCutcheon plays a new junior member of the household staff at 10 Downing Street in which Christmas-themed film?
5. Where did Del and Rodney go on holiday in a 1991 Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special?
6. The 2013 fantasy film Frozen was inspired by which Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale?
7. Who was killed off in 2012’s Downton Abbey’s Christmas Special cliffhanger?
8. Which Doctor made his debut in Doctor Who’s 2005 festive special called The Christmas Invasion?
Food & Drink
1. What do you call sausages wrapped in bacon?
2. Which brand popularised the image of Santa as we know it?
3. Which yellow food item would you find under the icing of a Christmas cake?
4. What two colours do you traditionally find in a candy cane?
5. In which direction do you stir mincemeat if you want good luck for the following year?
6. What do you call the pastry you use to make profiteroles?
7. Which Christmas dish developed from “frumenty”, a thick porridge of cereal, dried fruit and spices?
8. What is the name of the German yeast cake often served at Christmas?
9. Who made mince pies illegal in the 17th century?
Christmas Quiz Answers
How did you do? Check the correct answers below.
General Knowledge
1. Donner and Blitzen (the names mean thunder and lightning in German)
2. The Grinch (from How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr Seuss)
3. 12 different flavours
4. Indian Ocean
5. Germany
6. The Soviet Union
7. Rudyard Kipling
8. 5th January
1. Natalie Wood
2. 1984
3. Patrick Trueman
4. Love Actually
5. Miami, Florida
6. The Snow Queen
7. Dan Stevens’ Matthew Crawley
8. David Tennant
Food & Drink
1. Pigs In Blankets
2. Coca-Cola
3. Marzipan
4. Red and white
5. Clockwise
6. Choux pastry
7. Christmas pudding
8. Stollen
9. Oliver Cromwell