Coming To Find You | Jane Corry

Having reviewed Jane Corry’s We All Have Our Secrets, I knew that Coming to Find You would be good.
However it exceeded my high expectations, being an absolute cracker of a thriller, tautly written with a feeling of menace that creates compelling tension throughout. It truly is a ‘can’t put it down’ story.
The Sidmouth setting is highly effective with a well balanced claustrophobia weighed against a strong sense of community. As a result, the events taking place feel all the more authentic.
Coming to Find You is brilliantly structured because just when you feel you can’t bear the tension of Nancy’s first person, intimately told, story any longer, there is respite. The timeline returns to the war years and the book takes on the style of well-researched historical fiction with added mystery.
Deliciously creepy and engaging links
The little linked hooks between the two timeframes are deliciously creepy and engaging. Parallels of theme between the two stories add depth and the way the strands are gathered together into a satisfying finale is so skilfully written.
Those themes feel universal and compelling. Jane Corry explores to perfection the concepts of truth – from historical facts through social construction of truth to personal self-delusion – so that there are echoes for all readers.
I loved the way morality is presented because here we have characters we should abhor as killers and liars, and yet they are people the author makes us care about.
So many things ‘coming to find’ the characters…
The effect of Coming to Find You is to make the reader realise there is no clear-cut morality and that the choices we make are not always within our control. Henry and Elizabeth’s marriage and Martin’s obsession with Nancy illustrate how control and coercion are not simply modern-day constructs.
Coming to Find You is such an inspired title because so many things are coming to find the characters here; the past, danger, death, people, the media and the truth. And they all advance towards Nancy inexorably, making for a tense sensation throughout.
Linked by a psychological DNA
There’s a kind of psychological DNA with the present strand of narrative involving Nancy, the past events at Tall Chimneys and the short interjections concerning the night of the murder. It all means that Coming to Find You is exciting and mysterious.
I thought Coming to Find You was an absolute cracker of a read. It’s the perfect summer treat, not to be missed.