Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant Feb 13-19

Shutterstock © Russell Grant, horoscopes

February is the month of love, but what does Russell see in store for you this Valentine’s Day? Here’s his full insights for the week ahead…

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

You feel your personality doesn’t fit well with a group. Some think they are better than others. You disagree and you are seriously considering calling it a day.

Astro Tip: Be a peacemaker.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

A friend will make some strange suggestions. If you at least consider what they are saying, you might be pleasantly entertained.

Astro Tip: Practise regular visualisation techniques.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Someone objects to plans you thought were agreed. You wish you’d booked when you had the chance. Don’t be reluctant to display a talent.

Astro Tip: Be accountable for your actions.

Cancer (June22/July23)

An offer which sounds interesting and realistic still makes you nervous. There may be strings attached to a business proposition.

Astro Tip: Listen more than you speak.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

You aren’t focusing on what’s important. You’d rather ignore the need to make a decision by using excuses. You can’t put off the inevitable.

Astro Tip: Be respectful of others’ views.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

It’s almost impossible to get on the same wavelength as a stubborn neighbour. A relative is repeating themselves, not letting you have your say.

Astro Tip: Don’t compare yourself to others.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

You wouldn’t be able to do what you are doing now if it wasn’t for a workmate or neighbour’s support. You will be thrilled with the outcome.

Astro Tip: Celebrate the small wins.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

There’s tension in the air. Some people will handle this brittle atmosphere better than others. Steer well away from quarrelsome people.

Astro Tip: Be willing to learn from constructive criticism.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You’re surprised by a friend’s lack of appreciation for your support. You wish they would not feel so guilty about being temporarily needy.

Astro Tip: Confess to mistakes.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

An older relative doesn’t want to take your advice. If you encourage them to talk things through, they might work things out in their own mind.

Astro Tip: Spend time in nature.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You or someone in the family has been researching your family tree. Conversations will centre on events that were important to an older relative.

Astro Tip: Maintain good posture and physical health.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

You are inclined to rush some jobs. More will be achieved by taking your time. An upcoming examination or interview is making you anxious.

Astro Tip: Trust others who are giving professional advice.

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