Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant April 9-15

Shutterstock © Russell Grant, horoscopes

Actress Emma Watson, best known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films, is born under Aries. According to Russell Grant, those with star sign Aries should set some goals this week! Find out what’s in store for your week…

Here’s Russell Grant’s horoscopes for all star signs for the week ahead…

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

People have fixed views and no matter how persuasive you are, they stand firm. Someone who has been helping organise an event announces they are leaving.

Astro Tip: Set your goals.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

It won’t be easy to find a solution to a problem and you may feel like tearing your hair out. You’re going round in circles but help is at hand.

Astro Tip: Stand up for what you believe in.

Gemini (May22/June21)

A disagreement might seem to start the week off on the wrong foot but this will be forgotten. Social plans will be entertaining enough to take your mind off your worries.

Astro Tip: Be kind.

Cancer (June22/July23)

Events may be challenging but you will be surprised by your ability to deal with it all. A housemate is too preoccupied to help resolve problems.

Astro Tip: Watch your health.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

A young relative will confess to having financial problems. You may not want to get involved, but you will be able to offer helpful advice.

Astro Tip: Prioritise your needs.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

A matter is proceeding slowly. There will be little you can do so instead of focusing on things outside your control, concentrate on the positive.

Astro Tip: Don’t let pride get in your way.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

People are making demands of you and you aren’t happy with how much you have to do. Aches and pains will be due to heavy responsibilities.

Astro Tip: Stay committed to your passions.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

If you think someone is exaggerating you’ll put them right. A reversal of plans will cause contention and a fall-out between family.

Astro Tip: Visualise your dreams.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Are you deluding yourself by believing you can do more than you are capable of? People admire your energy but know when to stop.

Astro Tip: Watch your energy levels.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

An older person is generous with their cash and you feel that someone is taking advantage of them. Diplomacy will be necessary.

Astro Tip: Could a friendship be something more?

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

Someone is relying heavily on your support when you need some space. Your mind keeps wandering to places with sun, sand and sea.

Astro Tip: Be open to new ideas and perspectives.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

There may be opposition to workplace improvements and you may have to explain your ideas in detail. Someone has a surprise lined up for you.

Astro Tip: Focus on the present moment.

Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.

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