Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant May 21-27

Shutterstock © Russell Grant, horoscopes

Gemini should be proactive this week. Here’s Russell Grant’s horoscopes for all star signs for the week ahead…

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

Legal negotiations are likely to end pleasingly. Workplace issues will be solved faster as a team. You could pick up interesting information.

Astro Tip: Believe in your abilities and talents.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

You won’t really approve of changes someone close is about to make, but if you give an opinion, they won’t listen so don’t provoke bad feelings.

Astro Tip: Keep a regular routine and schedule.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Disagreements with colleagues will be over who does what. It might feel as if you’ve spent too long in close contact with one person and this is creating some tension.

Astro Tip: Be proactive.

Cancer (June22/July23)

You might have to meet important people or prepare f or a business meeting. They may be very approachable. Important matters have been on your mind.

Astro Tip: Delegate effectively.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

A friend or relative will not be in the most attentive frame of mind. You won’t get far, even if you have something important to discuss.

Astro Tip: Don’t ignore health issues.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

A communication mix-up can be avoided if someone takes more care. You seem to have to supervise everything. An older relative is in petty mood.

Astro Tip: Honour your commitments.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

You won’t feel prepared but decisions need to be made. What do you really want? Anticipate possible outcomes of choices you are making.

Astro Tip: : Keep a positive attitude towards life.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

A friend or relative will appear calm about a matter you’d expect them to panic over. Even if you can’t solve their problems, you can help.

Astro Tip: Reflect on past experiences.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Routine will seem even more tedious than usual. You’ll be looking to do more exciting things later. The more variety you can pack into the days, the happier you’ll be.

Astro Tip: Let go of old habits.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

A social event may start with bad feeling between friends, but at least when things improve, it will be easier to relax into the occasion.

Astro Tip: Blow away those mental cobwebs.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

It’s easy to fall into the trap of giving too much time to other people. You might decide that being there for everyone is draining your energy.

Astro Tip: Practise regular visualisation techniques.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Talks will be revealing. You have ideas to share. By the end of the week you’ll be taking stock of your life and deciding on your next move.

Astro Tip: Seek wisdom from experienced people.

Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.

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