The Children of Happy Village

Prithipura Communities is a wonderful charity in Sri Lanka that helps children and adults with disabilities achieve their full potential.
Prithipura means Happy Village and that’s exactly what it is. Set across four locations, there is a home for young children as well as adults with severe disabilities, a school and home to 80 more vulnerable children and young people, totalling 240 under Prithipura care. There are two farms, generating an income and vocational opportunities to the adults with less severe needs. There is a rubber plantation, a coconut plantation, cows grazing in fields and over 40 different types of fruit, vegetables and spices grown to feed the team and sell.
Many disabled people in Sri Lanka face significant stigma and discrimination, rejection from extended family and their community. A 2003 survey found that 39% of people with a disability had never attended school.
If you’d like to help support this worthwhile charity, it only costs £30 a month to sponsor a child.
£60 will fund the basic monthly salary of one dedicated care worker.
£15 will fund a cup of morning milk for 100 children at the Infants Home
£150 will fund meals for 100 people for one day
To find out more, including volunteer opportunities, visit
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Donate via Prithi UK, our UK registered charity, at