An Inspiring Life Despite Cystic Fibrosis

Other books have been written about Cystic Fibrosis in the past. Coughing It All Up takes a different approach.

Luke Peters’ book deliberately sets out to tell of a life not dictated by the disease. His story demonstrates that people can do remarkable things despite having the condition.

Written while he was on the waiting list for a double-lung transplant, Coughing It All Up reveals how Luke has striven to live his life to the full. A share of the profits from the book will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Luke has spent large swathes of time in hospital, taken almost a million tablets and reached the depths of hopelessness. He has come close to losing his life on more than one occasion.

A life of amazing achievements

However he has also obtained two academic degrees and enjoyed successful careers in both aviation and as a lawyer. He’s travelled to over 40 countries, obtained his private pilot’s licence and witnessed a space shuttle launch.

He’s lived in the USA and in France, has been married for 20 years this year and has two children. On his first day at work he was introduced to Sir Richard Branson.

Readers join Luke as he embarks on the most difficult stage of his journey to date. He is placed on the waiting list for a double lung transplant; a huge medical procedure that could save his life… or end it.

Will Luke survive the wait? How will he cope with the seemingly endless time spent on the transplant list? Will he ever receive the call that could just result in him receiving a new pair of lungs, a whole new existence and the ultimate second chance?

About the author

Luke Peters is 48. Following his birth in 1972, he was quickly diagnosed with the chronic lung condition cystic fibrosis. He had a relatively normal upbringing in Cambridge with his scientist father, midwife mother and two sisters, although he was not expected to make it to the age of 10.

Yet, with amazing care from countless individuals within the NHS, huge advances in treatment and medication over several decades, as well as considerable good fortune, Luke is still going strong. While continuing to wish for more, he is truly grateful for what his life has brought him.

The book’s foreword is written by one of the world’s leading CF experts, and there is a Spotify playlist to accompany it.

Luke introduces his book

Luke says, “My hope is that the book might reach a wide audience – to raise awareness for CF in general, but also to raise funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust which will receive a share of the profits.”

Coughing It All Up – Chronicles of A Remarkable Life Despite Cystic Fibrosis by Luke Peters, £14.99 PB, £6.99 eBook, will be available from Amazon from December 1, 2020.

Sarah Proctor

I've worked on a variety of regional newspapers and national magazines. My Weekly and Your Best Ever Christmas are fantastic, warm-hearted brands with an amazing, talented team. I'm a sub-editor and particularly love working on cookery, fiction and advice pages - I feel I should know all the secrets of eternal life, health and happiness by now, but hey, we all need that regular reminder!