Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant Dec 30-Jan 6

Shutterstock © Russell Grant, horoscopes

Russell’s insights for Dec 30-Jan 6, 2024. How will the New Year start for you?

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

If the expectations of an older relative or colleague are restricting you, be honest. Let them know their demands are inconvenient for you.

Astro Tip: Don’t allow fears to develop.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

It’s unlike you to act on impulse, but now you need to be spontaneous. You’ll feel a desire to put on glad rags and end the year in a lively way.

Astro Tip: Only deal with reputable and reliable people.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Money will be needed for a personal project. Financial support you were expecting will be received, just a little later than had been planned.

Astro Tip: Practise self-love and acceptance.

Cancer (June22/July23)

Your resolutions for the New Year include finding ways to make your cash go further and to generally be more sensible with your spending.

Astro Tip: Ask a trusted friend for support.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

If you started dating someone this Christmas, the more time you spend together, the more you will feel as if you have found the partner of your dreams.

Astro Tip: Find a balance.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

You will soon be responding to an exciting social invitation. Festive parties and gatherings will bring out the best in you. Expect a touch of romance.

Astro Tip: Practise active listening in your relationships.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

Good organisation is essential in the days ahead. Make lists if it helps and refuse to get in a tizz if the amount to be done seems never-ending.

Astro Tip: Spend time outside and connect with nature.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

If you feel a senior colleague’s demands are unreasonable, take your grievances higher. Consider areas in your life that make you unhappy.

Astro Tip: Take time to rest and recharge.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You’re popular and people want to spend time with you. If you’ve been thinking about volunteering for a community project, do so now.

Astro Tip: Remember a promise from the past.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

No matter how you actually spend the last week of the year, you’ll be longing for a little peace and solitude to review all that’s happened.

Astro Tip: Practise patience and understanding.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You’re never too old to learn. Taking on some extra work or new social commitments will bring mild protests from your partner or a housemate.

Astro Tip: Concentrate on serious matters.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Although you’re certain what your partner will say, let them say it anyway. Activities that bring like-minded people together will be fun.

Astro Tip: Keep thoughts to yourself at work.

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