Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant April 16-22

Shutterstock © Russell Grant, horoscopes

Anyone born under Pisces should watch what they say this week, while carefree Virgos should dance away their cares!

Here’s Russell Grant’s horoscopes for all star signs for the week ahead…

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

A housemate or workmate’s chat will start to irritate you but you’ll be tolerant. Register interest in an in-house training scheme.

Astro Tip: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

If you are taking on a long term commitment, do some thinking to make sure you are doing the right thing. You will want to check all contracts involved to avoid regrets.

Astro Tip: Be a good listener.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Social commitments are increasing. There’s no room in your life for yourself. Take back control of the way you spend your time.

Astro Tip: Keep challenging yourself.

Cancer (June22/July23)

A creative urge will prompt you to look for a new hobby or interest. A decision is harder to reach than expected. A few options appeal to you.

Astro Tip: Practise regular gratitude exercises.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

Some frank talk will bring a release of tension. Give it time before making judgments on those with different attitudes.

Astro Tip: Prioritise your personal growth.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

Even if a recent diet or exercise regime has had wonderful results, you will look for other ways to improve your appearance.

Astro Tip: Dance. Express yourself through movement.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

Either your or a partner’s past handling of finances has amassed a lot of debt. You may need to consider ways of increasing your income.

Astro Tip: Maintain a consistent routine.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

If you’re longing for a chance to experience something new, your prayers will soon be answered. Your talents are welcomed in a group project.

Astro Tip: Keep a gratitude journal.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

A hold-up in the works will leave you with spare time. An older colleague related to your boss will say more than they should.

Astro Tip: Develop a kind, positive inner voice.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

Someone has been ultra-friendly of late because they want something from you. You have been through this kind of situation before.

Astro Tip: Write to a loved one. Express your gratitude.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

The desire as the week begins to keep company to a minimum will be a memory by Thursday. Even so, you will have new purpose.

Astro Tip: Be mindful of your environmental impact.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

A goal is reached and you will be applauded. This will give you courage to set your sights even higher. Your competitive spirit will be apparent now.

Astro Tip: Watch what you say.

Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.

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