Chaos At Christmas – Episode 40

Shutterstock © Christmas Pocket Novel Background pic: Shutterstock

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed a brilliant Christmas and Lionel had felt that, all in all, it was a job well done. He had almost begun to relax. Until Lyle had announced to the guests at breakfast that morning that he had arranged one last surprise before they left the Manor. All would be revealed at 10 o’clock that morning.

“I suppose I’ll cope,” Lionel said with a sigh.

“How are the bookings looking for when Lyle’s party leaves?” Ferelith asked, trying to change the subject.

Lionel’s face brightened up. “Not bad at all.” His fingers flicked over his keyboard and he gazed at the computer screen. “We’re over 90% full for our New Year celebration package. And we always pick up a few last-minute bookings for that.” He turned to her with an expression of wonder. “Can you imagine it? A hotel full of normal guests.” Ferelith left with her laughter echoing round his office.

The reception area was a bustle of activity. Lyle had asked people to gather outside the hotel for the surprise and, though it was still a bit early, there was a buzz of excitement in the air.

Hi, Ferelith!

“Do you know what the surprise is?”

“Are the penguins coming back?”

“Is DJ Klaws doing a farewell concert?”

It seemed to Ferelith as if, whenever Holly and Bree appeared, a whirlwind accompanied them. Their question all came in a rush with the two girls dancing around her. She shook her head. “Sorry, girls. I’m afraid I’m as much in the dark as you.”

“Ooooh,” they cried in disappointment, but they were already racing off and out of the hotel.

She slipped behind the reception desk. “Have you heard that there’s going to be a surprise, Erik?”

He closed his eyes momentarily. “I shudder to think what it might be, Miss Ferelith.”

“Is there anything I can do to help in the meantime?”

“If you could assist in manning the phones then that would be a great boon. With the guests all leaving together, there will no doubt be a rush of calls for assistance of one sort or another.”

“No problem.”

He frowned. “Though before you sit down, could I ask a favour? Could you take a message to Geraint?”

A sizzle of pleasure went through Ferelith. She’d seen Geraint earlier. Somehow, the two of them managed to find their way to each other whenever he arrived for work each morning. But the thought of seeing him again made her smile and blush at the same time. “I think I could cope with that.”

“When the guests start to leave, they’ll be looking for help with their luggage. Could you ask Geraint if we can borrow him and his team to assist the porters.”

“Of course. I’ll do that now.”

She made her way through the hotel doors and realised that there really was a song in her heart. It was like a tumult of birds swooping about singing, “My love! My love! I’m going to see my love!” for all they were worth. It left her feeling rather breathless.

Geraint was with Faisal and the two of them were looking thoughtfully at a flower bed. “I’m surprised how quickly the artificial snow has disappeared,” Geraint was saying. “The worms really have taken to it.”

Faisal nodded. “We should have the grounds back in shape fairly quickly once we get to work on them.”

They turned to her and Ferelith resisted the urge to throw herself into Geraint’s arms and kiss him all over his perfectly gorgeous face. “I have a message from Erik. Could you and the team help the porters with the luggage when the guests start to leave?”

“No problem.” Geraint looked at Ferelith curiously. “What do you think this surprise of Lyle’s is going to be?”

Ferelith just laughed. “I haven’t a clue. Something wildly extravagant, I expect.”

“I’m not sure that I want to find out,” he said ruefully.

Oh I don’t know. Surprises can be interesting sometimes,

She murmured. For instance, falling for Geraint had come as a surprise and a very nice one too. She looked at him and he looked right back at her. Time seemed to stop.

To be continued…

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