Chaos At Christmas – Episode 41

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Faisal cleared his throat and Geraint and Ferelith reluctantly dragged their eyes away from each other. “Right then, I’ll just go and…and…” Faisal didn’t seem sure what he was going to do but he was clearly leaving anyway. “I’ll see you two later.”

He hurried off and the corners of Ferelith’s mouth twitched in a smile. “Faisal is really quite a thoughtful person,” she said. But Geraint had already taken her by the hand and was pulling her gently behind the oak tree.

I’ve missed you so much,

He growled and Ferelith’s peal of laughter was cut short as she found herself being thoroughly kissed.

For a while, their minds were taken up with this and that. Ferelith became vaguely aware of people gathering noisily in the distance but she hardly noticed; she had other things to concentrate on. It was only when a noisy cheer rose up, accompanied by enthusiastic whistles and whoops, that the two of them eventually separated. They looked round the oak tree to see what was happening. Ferelith’s mouth sagged open.

I don’t believe it,

She whispered.

“I suppose it’s another skill to add to my acting CV,” Dandy said to Ferelith. “The day might come when I’m required to ride a camel on stage. Stranger things have happened.” He was dressed in a glorious costume of azure silk. His outrageous headgear and luxurious slippers with curled up toes only added to the effect.

There was a shriek and they turned. The guests surrounding the three camels were rapidly scattering; one of the camels had decided that it was a good time to relieve himself. Dandy raised an eyebrow.

I suppose it will be good for the roses.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw you and your fellow actors coming up the drive,” Ferelith laughed. “The three of you were swaying about so much on the camels that I was sure you were going to fall off.”

Dandy held his arms out in a dramatic pose.

The Three Kings have arrived bearing gifts from afar!

He cried. He smiled. “Well from Harrods, probably, judging by the quality of them.”

Each camel had been led by a handler, also gloriously dressed, with half a dozen servants following behind carrying bags of going-away presents which the kings had then distributed. For the guests, it had been an amazing end to an amazing stay.

“I’m sure that I noticed you canoodling with a young man as I was coming up the drive,” Dandy murmured. “Can I assume that he was the subject of your aching heart when last we met?”

Ferelith felt suddenly so full of feeling that she could barely speak. She had been very upset at the time. “He was, Dandy.”

“And can I also assume that things are going well for the two of you now?”

Ferelith nodded. “Your gift of mistletoe worked perfectly.”

“I’m glad, my dear. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from a long and varied life it’s that, when you find love, you must cling to it.”

To be continued…

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