One In Three | Tess Stimson

One In Three book cover


Who’s the odd one out in this murderous menage?

Tess Stimson’s new thriller opens with a satisfyingly gory murder – smooth-talking TV presenter Andrew Page is being stabbed to death in the luxury lodge where he and his wife Caz are staying to attend the Golden Wedding celebrations of his ex-wife’s parents. His bitter ex, Louise, is the obvious suspect but she’s blaming Caz. Yet what possible motive could Andrew’s new wife have to kill him?

The story rolls back to a few weeks before the planned party, and is told alternately from Louise and Caz’s points of view, interspersed with police interviews with their friends, family and colleagues, all of which gradually reveal a different side to each woman than the one they’re presenting to the reader.

Can either woman be trusted?

It soon becomes clear that neither Caz nor Louise’s narrative is to be wholly trusted – both have secrets in their past; both have issues in their present – and not just with each other! With the Golden Wedding party looming, their feud escalates into open warfare, their altercations going from verbal to physical as each strives to win or retain Andrew’s affections.

Caught in the middle are their three children, in particular Bella, Louise and Andrew’s teenage daughter. The tragedy is, both women would do anything to protect all three children, but in a welter of jealousy, guilt and hatred as they battle it out for the obviously unworthy Andrew, they both lose sight of the love that’s most precious of all.

A well-crafted plot with plenty twists and turns and two unreliable narrators make this thrilling domestic-noir the perfect page-turner!

One In Three by Tess Stimson is published by Avon in paperback, RRP £7.99, and a available from Amazon.

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Allison Hay

I joined the "My Weekly" team thirteen years ago and, more recently, "The People's Friend". I love the variety of topics we cover both online and in the magazines. I manage the digital content for the brands, sharing features and information on the website, social media and in our digital newsletters.