Lemon Tart with Blackcurrant Compote

Lemon Tart and blackcurrant compote recipe
Credit: White Heron

Whip up this really simple recipe and impress your dinner guests! It’s so fresh for summer entertaining!

Serves: 8
Cooking time: 45min, plus 2-3hr cooling time

How to make Lemon Tart recipe:

  1. Line a 9 inch, 22cm, pastry ring and blind bake the pastry.
  2. Mix the lemon juice and sugar, whisk until the sugar has dissolved. Add the eggs and whisk, stir in the cream then pour into the pastry case and cook for 45min at 150°C, Gas Mark 2.
  3. Cool for 2-3hr. Cut with a warm knife and serve with whipped cream and a spoonful of blackcurrants soaked in White Heron British Cassis.

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